Illinois Authors

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Authors whose last name begins with R

Berniece Rabe Jean Rabe Bob Raczka David Radavich
Lori Rader-Day Heidi Radkiewicz Dina Rae John Raffensperger, MD
Harold Rafson Henry Rago Rekha S. Rajan Anuradha D. Rajurkar
Milton L Rakove Michael Raleigh Laurence Ralph Jesus Ramirez-Valles
Leonard G. Ramirez William 'Bill' Rancic Julian Randall Ned Randle
Joseph Austin Ranney Barbara Ransby Kathryn Ann Ransom Frederic Michael Raphael
Ron Rapoport Alyssa Rapp Anthony Deane Rapp Christopher Raschka
Rebecca Anne Rasmussen Peggy Rathmann Sugar Rautbord Marion Ray
Timothy Raymer Ronald Reagan Joan Reardon Lisa Reardon
Patrick T. Reardon Katherine Reay William Recktenwald Forrest P. Redd
Jim Redd Srikanth Reddy Eunice Redeker-Hausler Kent D. Redfield
Eugene B. Redmond Cheryl L. Reed Christopher Robert Reed Dwayne Reed
Earl Howell Reed Richard Reeder J Daniel Reed Jim Reed
Myrtle Reed Monte Reel Abbie Reese Iliana Regan
Henry Regnery Beatrice Schenk de Regniers Kathy Reichs Art Reid
Pamela Lyn Reid Terri Reid Dave Reidy Jean Reidy
Lee Reilly Matthew Reinhart Jim Reiss Stephen W. Reiss
Robert Remini Charles Remsberg Edith Bradley Rendleman Khristan Renfro-Stella
Aaron Renier Laura Renken Thomas F Renk William H. Rentschler
Dustin Renwick Gloria Respress-Churchwell Chris Rettstatt Rebecca Coleen Retzlaff
Shelly Reuben Judith Reveal Charles Reynard Aaron Reynolds
Shonda Rhimes Russell Rhoades Mark Q Rhoads Russell Rhoads
James Montgomery Rice Wallace Rice James Ivy Richardson II John Adkins Richardson
Randy Richardson Todd Richards Steven E. Richie Andrew J. Rickert
Eva Ridenour Jim Ridings Lisa Riebe Janet Riehecky
Steven Allen Riess Carroll L. Riley Leah Bassinger Riley Sherri Rinker
Laura Ripes Greg Risberg Rob Riseman Scott C. Ristau
Gary Rivlin Patrick Rizio Kiley Roache Emily Robbins
Michael Robbins Ed Roberson Naomi Roberson Robert E. Hanlon, PhD
Elaine Roberts Justin Roberts Les Roberts Peter Robertson
Stacey M. Robertson Russel David Roberts Harriette Gillem Robinet Schone Robin
W.G. Robinson-McNeese, MD Becky Robinson John Eric Robinson Stacey Robinson
Sue Robinson W. Douglas Robinson Kimberla Lawson Roby Tom Roby
Sheila Rock Patricia Ann Rockwell Robert E Rockwell Jan Roddy
Carolyn Marie Rodgers Diane M. Rodgers Robert Rodi Geoff Rodkey
Dennis Rodman Mary Ann Rodman Junius Peter Jr. Rodriguez Luis J. Rodriguez
Robert Rodriguez Caleb Roehrig Lois Hoitenga Roelofs Heidi Bee Roemer
Richard Roeper Paulette Roeske Samuel J. Rogal AnneMarie Rogers
Bruce Holland Rogers Carolyn M. Rogers Denny Rogers Rebecca Elizabeth Rogers
Tammie Rogers Eric Rohmann Wendy Goldman Rohm Dr.Michael F. Roizen
Sharon Rolens Alane Rollings Marcie Roman Andromeda Romano-Lax
Tony Romano Carmelo Romero Hector R. Romero Natalie Rompella
William Rongholt Kathleen Rooney Phyllis Root John Ropa
Melodye Rosales Jack J. Rosatte Augustus Rose John L. Roseberry
Gina Rose Franklin Rosemont Patricia Pinianski Rosemoor Daniel Rosenberg
Pam Rosenberg Deborah Nodler Rosen Dorothy Rosen Nancy G. Rosenfeld
Gayle Rosengren Gregg Rosenquist Renee Rosen Sidney Rosen
Barb Rosenstock Amy Krouse Rosenthal Mark Rosenthal Paris Rosenthal
Yvette C. Ross-Hebron, MD Alex Ross Andrea Friederici Ross Jack J. Rossate
Charles Rossiter Nelson Alexander Ross Carlo Rotella William Leo Roth, Jr.
Larry Rothfield Philip Milton Roth Ron Roth Jason Rothstein
Veronica Roth Melvin Roustio Chip Rowe Warren Royer
Mike Royko Francesca T Royster Barry Rozner Holly Rozner
David M Rubenstein Alina Rubin Jeffrey Michael Ruby Laura Ruby
Mike Rucker Deborah Ruddell Kelly Rudnicki John David Ruemmler
Tyler B Ruff Sarah Ruhl Rachel Ruiz Joseph Anthony Rulli
Roxane E Runyon A. Lavonne Brown Ruoff Kristine Kathryn Rusch Patti Jo Ruskin
Herbert K. Russell Mary Doria Russell Edward Russo Gus G. Russo
Richard Russo Delores Hackett Rutherford Nancy Ross Ryan Tim A. Ryan
Chris Rylander


