Illinois Authors

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Philip William Kunz

Born: 1946 in East Alton, Illinois
Pen Name: Re`al 'Bull' Oney, Phil Kunz

Connection to Illinois: I am a Midwest baby boomer, born in East Alton, Illinois, but call several cities my home. I lived in Smithton, Illinois(1950-1959) as a boy, moved to Waterloo, Illinois,(1959-1962) then finished my high school in Freeburg (1964). I spent nearly 30 years as an Illinois State trooper , in District#3, Desplains,Illinois then transfered to Maryville D#11 most of which was patroling in St. Clair and Clinton County, near Carlyle, Illinois, my retirement home.

Biography: I have written eighteen books of fiction and used the pen name of Re`al 'Bull' Oney as a laugher to my skills as a writer. I attended Kilgore College in Texas and later Southern Illinois University Carbondale, prior entering law enforcement. I used my Illinois experiences as a pathway to my stories.


Primary Literary Genre(s): Fiction; Mystery; Romance; Science Fiction

Primary Audience(s): Adult readers; Children; Young adult readers

Re`al "Bull" Oney on WorldCat :`al+Bull+Oney

Selected Titles

Stink Finger!
ISBN: 0595444407 OCLC: 154687425

iUniverse, Inc. 2007

The Realtor!
ISBN: 0595453279 OCLC: 154804214

iUniverse, Inc. 2007

Trilogy ... featuring Big oak mega buck! :
ISBN: 0595438873 OCLC: 227205812

iUniverse, New York : ©2007.

Big oak mega buck: Story about a magnificent trophy buck and the man who can't shoot him.

Visions of Grandeur
ISBN: 0595444822 OCLC: 154687427

iUniverse, Inc. 2007


