Illinois Authors

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Bernard J. Cigrand

Born: 1866 in Waubeka, Wisconsin,
Died: 1932 in Batavia, Illinois

Connection to Illinois: Cigrand practiced dentistry in Chicago, Batavia, and Aurora, and was the third dean of Columbian Dental College, now the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry, serving in that post from 1903 to 1906.

Biography: Bernard J. Cigrand was a grade school teacher in Waubeka, Wisconsin, in 1885. He held the first recognized formal observance of Flag Day at Stony Hill School in Waubeka and is known as the The Father of Flag Day.


Primary Literary Genre(s): Non-Fiction

Primary Audience(s): Adult readers


Selected Titles

History of the Crispe Famiy
ISBN: 1362749443 OCLC:

Wentworth Press 2016

Laws and Customs Regulating the Use of the Flag of the United States
ISBN: 1371977003 OCLC:

Wentworth Press 2016

The Lower Third Of The Face Or The Dental Domain: A Study Of Art In Dentistry
ISBN: 1296833364 OCLC:

Andesite Press 2015


