Dennis Bartizal
Born: Chicago, Illinois, 1954
Connection to Illinois: I was born in Chicago and raised in Westchester, Illinois. I attended High Ridge School. I went to Proviso West High School. I earned a bachelor's degree studying Geology at Northern Illinois University. Afterwards, I attended the DeVry Institute of Technology to obtain an Associate's Degree in Information Technology.After managing several restaurants along with selling shoes, I began my career in Computer Programming. I programed from mainframes to minis to networked PCs. I programmed for GTE and Spiegel and HSBC and Walgreens (among other places). I am now retired and live in Glendale Heights, Illinois. Biography: In grade school I became a fan of Franz Kafka. I wrote a weekly humor column for my high school newspaper, The Proviso Profile. During college I read my short stories at local coffee houses. Since retiring I've been reading my short stories again at local coffee houses. I have also joined the DuPage Writers Group which meets at the Carol Stream Library. We critique each others' works. We also publish a journal once a year of some of our stories and poems. I have also had tables at Science Fiction Conventions in their Artists Areas. I have also tables at various libraries. Local Authors Fests.I have always felt an appreciation of nature. I had twenty-seven pet turtles when I was growing up. Mud turtles, box turtles, tortoises and a snapper. From ages six 'till sophomore in high school (not the turtles ages, my age). In all those years my turtles never died nor ran away. I've also kept an appreciation for the natural real world. That is why I studied Geology. I connected well with machines and mathematics. That is why I had a career in Computer Programming. That may be why I write science fiction. That may be why I write fantasy. I connect better with animals and machines than other human beings. That may be why I write satire.Two of my books are on the shelves in local libraries: The Glen Ellyn Public Library and The Helen Plum Public Library. Those books are: Sticking Your Neck Out and What On Earth.I recently made my first attempt at writing a children's book. It is called 'Why Did the Turtle Cross the Road?' It is about a grade school boy saving a turtle from getting run over by an automobile. They bond.My books are available on Amazon at www.amazon.com/author/dennisbartizal SPEAKING_LABEL: Speaking Engagement Availability: Yes. I have not done speaking engagements professionally as such. However. I have been an active participant at several libraries' local authors festivals. I also read my stories during Open Mic Nights at various coffee houses. I also have had tables in the 'artist's' section at various Comic Cons and Science Fiction Conventions. Once this pandemic is under control I would like to read my stories again at the coffee houses I enjoy.
Facebook: DennisBartizal
Website: https://thephotonandthedog.blogspot.com
WorldCat: http://www.worldcat.org/search?q=Dennis++Bartizal
Selected Titles
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A Chance Of Mars ISBN: 1549977768 OCLC: Amazon 2017 You took a chance. The new frontier. That was the goal. To get to that goal, there was the journey. And there were the people you journeyed with. You took that journey into space. It wasn't easy, but you worked together. You grew together. You established your home. You built your family. In the past it was a myth. It was a light in the sky. That light appeared past the horizon. Through your combined efforts. Through your combined steps. Now, that horizon is at your feet. It is not a God of War. It does not hold the Canals of an Alien Race. It holds the water and breath and steps of your family's future. You step into your Chance Of Mars. |
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Kafka Can Wait ISBN: 1520941420 OCLC: Amazon 2017 This is a collection of my philosophical, sociological, and political ponderings written in a satirical or poetic state of mind ranging from personally biographical, to currently observational, through futuristic science fiction pieces expressing my views, worries, hopes, and dreams. |
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Sticking Your Neck Out ISBN: 1980457964 OCLC: 1052582422 Amazon 2018 One man's life is at stake. A stranger takes the risk to save him. It is hard to imagine someone stranger. A group of people independently learn how to communicate with certain species of animals. These people also discover each other and bond. Their developing friendships also develop activities and procedures that will benefit all species. They start an interesting journey to enlightenment. This group's activities uncover ecological and psychological problems that endanger the whole world. Topics such as pollution, climate change, bigotry, and greed are confronted. People are urged to work together and they realize that personal differences benefit all of life. Their lives aren't the only ones in danger, they care for the world.--Amazon. |
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The Photon And The Dog ISBN: B07MTSL9LS OCLC: 909209326 Krisztus Szeretete Gyülekezet, Budapest : 1998- I am not an atom. I am not an electron. I may possess both of those. But just as the farmer possesses his acreage and the factory owner possesses his assembly line my carbons and silicons and salts recycle through my breath, through my absorption, through my sewage. Your atoms are mine and are Jupiter's. I bet that dark matter cloud by Neptune laughs just as much at Curly slapping his face as I do. That is the connection, the bonding, the evolving we should enjoy. Your orbit does not matter, just coexist with those protons, planets, and friends. |
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Thrown In A New Dimension ISBN: 1521726876 OCLC: Amazon 2017 |
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What I Got Out Of High School ISBN: B08KC2XV3D OCLC: The late 60's and early 70's were interesting times to be alive. Our country was growing. Our country was learning. (We still have lots to learn.) I was a high school student then. Chemistry. Mathematics. English. I was a bit too young to be involved with the political, racial, and Vietnam War tensions that were happening around me. High School students may not have been directly involved, but these things affected us too. In school I learned ways to express myself. I wrote essays for my English classes. I wrote columns for my school newspaper. I wrote about how I viewed the world and howI wanted to view my world. A person learns better when you take part. I still have lots to learn. |
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What On Earth ISBN: 1983255289 OCLC: 1052582430 Amazon 2018 This guy talks about space. And he is pretty spacey, from his inert mind to where he thinks he's set no limits. Unfortunately you've got to work with this guy. And worse yet, you go bowling with him. He claims to have traveled faster than the sense of light. To you it seems senseless. Ahh, but is it really any worse than a normal day at work? And you just want to retire.--Amazon. |
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Why Did The Turtle Cross The Road ISBN: B08DBV1Q86 OCLC: It is not always easy for a kid to go to school and grow up. You can't expect everyone to be like you. You know that you've got a lot to learn. And sometimes, when you take an interest in someone or something, there is a lot more to learn. Sure, it may take some effort. You got to go through garbage. You got to gut some fish. And you got to take things down for the winter. You know, it is not always obvious. But you also know that feeling when you make a friend. Well, it's not easy for a turtle either. |