Illinois Authors

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Chris Gerrib

Pen Name: None

Connection to Illinois: Chris was born and raised in Illinois.

Biography: Chris graduated from the University of Ilinois then did a stint in the Navy from 1989 through 2002. He then attended Southern Illinois University and today is Director of Information Technology at Republic Bank of Chicago.


Primary Literary Genre(s): Fiction

Primary Audience(s): Adult readers

Chris Gerrib on WorldCat :

Selected Titles

  Pirates of Mars
ISBN: 9781632021601 OCLC: 974242141

Cincinnatus Press : [United States] : 2016.

The pirates holding the containership Charles S. Price have a problem - with the ship's engines dead, they'll soon be just another crater on the Martian surface. Their solution? Call the Volunteer Space Rescue Service for help and steal Space Rescue's ship. But this fight is over more than just a ship and her crew - a secret cargo may hold the keys to the fate of Mars!

The Mars run /
ISBN: 1411699734 OCLC: 75960410

[Chris Gerrib], [Villa Park, Ill.] : ©2006.

The Mars Run.
ISBN: 9781632021588 OCLC: 956137140

Cincinnatus Press, South Hadley, Massachusetts : 2016.

Janet Pilgrim encounters pirates on the commercial run to Mars.


