Illinois Authors

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Amy Lowry Poole

Born: in
Pen Name: None

Connection to Illinois: Amy Poole moved to Chicago in 1994, and still lives here with her family.

Biography: Amy Lowry lived in Beijing, China, for four years, where she studied scroll making and worked with a number of Chinese artists. Through the use of ink, gouache, rice paper, wheat based glue, and traditional brushes, Amy achieves a combination of Asian minimalism and natural dynamism. Her paintings have been shown in galleries and museums in Beijing, Chicago, New York, and Maine.After returnint to the United States Amy continued to paint, but decided to pursue her interest in illustration. “At that point I had three daughters under the age of ten, so it was natural that I returned to an early interest in children’s books.” Her first book is a Chinese folk tale, “How the Rooster got his Crown”, published by Holiday House in 1998.”


Primary Audience(s): Adult readers; Children; Children; Young adult readers

Amy Lowry Poole on WorldCat :

Selected Titles

Fox tails :
ISBN: 0823424006 OCLC: 739914805

Holiday House, New York : ©2012.

Four of Aesop's fables are combined in this tale about three animal friends who outsmart a tricky fox.

How the rooster got his crown /
ISBN: 0823413896 OCLC: 38288740

Holiday House, New York : ©1999.

In the early days of the world, when the sun refuses to come out for fear of a skillful archer's arrows, a small rooster saves the day by coaxing the sun out with his crowing.

The ant and the grasshopper /
ISBN: 0823414779 OCLC: 40862081

Retells the fable about a colony of industrious ants which busily prepares for the approaching winter while a grasshopper makes no plans for the cold weather to come.

The pea blossom /
ISBN: 0823420183 OCLC: 54350470

Holiday House, New York : ©2005.

In a garden near Beijing, five peas in a shell grow and wait to discover what fate has in store for them.

  Wu ke xiao wan dou
ISBN: 9787539439013 OCLC: 750358376

Hubei mei shu chu ban she, Wuhan : 2011.


