Donna Biffar
Born: 1964
Pen Name: None Connection to Illinois: Donna Biffar lives in St. Clair county in Illinois. Biography: Donna Biffar is the author of numerous books of poetry. She is a co-editor of River King Press' anthology New Century North American Poets. Poems, articles, and reviews have appeared in Orbis, College English, The Midday Moon, 90 Poets of the Nineties, Higginsville Reader, Kaleidoscope, Chiron Review, Poetry Motel and numerous other journals and anthologies. She is founder and former editor of Southwestern Illinois College's award winning literary publication Head to Hand and a former co-editor of River King Poetry Supplement. She currently serves as a co-editor of River King Press. She has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Illinois Poet Laureate, and recently served as Artist in Residence at the Illinois River Winery in Utica, Illinois.
Donna Biffar on WorldCat :
Selected Titles
Events preceding death : ISBN: 0773427945 OCLC: 42726258 Mellen Poetry Press, Lewiston, N.Y. : 2000. |
Kiss me cold : ISBN: 097484683X OCLC: 223932624 Cherry Pie Press, Glen Carbon, Ill. : ©2006. |
Vinegar moon : ISBN: 1904224350 OCLC: 60544764 BeWrite Books, Wigan, Lancashire, UK : ©2004. |
Water witching in the garden : ISBN: 0773426701 OCLC: 33407930 Mellen Poetry Press, Lewiston, N.Y. : ©1995. |