Jack Stillinger
Pen Name: None Connection to Illinois: Dr. Stillinger is Professor Emeritus of English at the University of Illinois. Biography: Dr.Stillinger has written over 26 books and numerous articles. He has received the Guggenheim and Woodrow Wilson Fellowships and is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Selected Titles
Coleridge and textual instability : ISBN: 0195085833 OCLC: 191935541 Oxford University Press, New York : 1994. Jack Stillinger establishes and documents the existence of numerous different authoritative versions of Coleridge's best-known poems: sixteen or more of The Eolian Harp, for example, eighteen of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, and comparable numbers for This Lime-Tree Bower, Frost at Midnight, Kubla Khan, Christabel, and Dejection: An Ode. Such multiplicity of versions raises interesting theoretical and practical questions about the constitution of the Coleridge canon, the ontological identity of any specific work in the canon, the editorial treatment of Coleridge's works, and the ways in whi. |
Keats's poetry and prose : ISBN: 9780393924916 OCLC: 230730130 W.W. Norton, New York : ©2009. In 1968 Edward Hoagland embarked on his second trip to British Columbia. The following year he published the journal from his first trip as Notes from the Century Before, a classic that is still in print today. Early in the Season is the never-before-published account of the second journey, a trip that formed the basis for his fourth novel, Seven Rivers West, and was recently excerpted in the Houghton Mifflin Best American Travel Writing anthology. An introduction by award-winning writer Stephen Hume and a new epilogue by Hoagland himself reveal why, forty years later, this historically rich window on the people and places that shaped British Columbia is still relevant today.--BOOK JACKET. |
Multiple authorship and the myth of solitary genius / ISBN: 0195068610 OCLC: 252589585 Oxford University Press, New York : 1991. A study which explores the implications of multiple authorship, using as examples the case of Keats and the assistants who aided him in the creation of "Isabella", the contributions of John Stuart Mill's wife to his autobiography, and the revisions to Wordsworth's "The Prelude." |
Reading The eve of St. Agnes : ISBN: 9780199855209 OCLC: 252663400 Oxford University Press, New York : 1999. Using the 180-year history of Keats'sEve of St. Agnes as a basis for theorizing about the reading process, Stillinger's book explores the nature and whereabouts of meaning in complex works. A proponent of authorial intent, Stillinger argues a theoretical compromise between author and reader, applying a theory of interpretive democracy that includes the endlessly multifarious reader's response as well as Keats's guessed-at intent. Stillinger also considers the process of constructing meaning, and posits an answer to why Keats's work is considered canonical, and why it is still being. |
Reading The eve of St. Agnes : ISBN: 0195130227 OCLC: 39985637 Oxford University Press, New York : 1999. "John Keats's "The Eve of St. Agnes" is one of the most admired works in standard English poetry. It has had hundreds of thousands of readers - therefore hundreds of thousands of individual responses - since its first publication in 1820. In Reading "The Eve of St. Agnes," Jack Stillinger examines the continuous inexhaustibility of this one poem, theorizing about the reading process, the nature and whereabouts of "meaning" in complex works, and the connection between multiple meanings and canonical status in literature."--Jacket. |
Romantic complexity : ISBN: 0252030621 OCLC: 62408631 University of Illinois Press, Urbana : ©2006. In Romantic Complexity, Jack Stillinger examines three of the most admired poets of English Romanticism - Keats, Coleridge, and Wordsworth - with a focus on the complexity that results from the multiple authorship, the multiple textual representation, and the multiple reading and interpretation of their best works.--Jacket. |
Romantic complexity : ISBN: 0252076370 OCLC: 302067582 University of Illinois Press ; Urbana, Ill. : 2009. |
Selected poems and prefaces. ISBN: 0395051797 OCLC: 822869 Houghton Mifflin Boston, [1965] |
The hoodwinking of Madeline, and other essays on Keats's poems / ISBN: 0252001745 OCLC: 190818 University of Illinois Press, Urbana : ©1971. |
The texts of Keats's poems. ISBN: 0674875117 OCLC: 1236405 Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1974. Jack Stillinger's concern is with the words of Keats's texts: "I wish," he says, "to get rid of the wrong ones and to suggest how to go about constructing texts with a greater proportion of the right ones." He finds that in the two best modern editions of Keats, one third of the texts have one or more wrong words. Modern editors have sometimes based their texts on inferior holograph, transcript, or printed versions; sometimes combined readings from separate versions; sometimes retained words added by copyists and early editors (who frequently made "improvements" when they thought the poems needed them); and sometimes, of course, introduced independent errors of their own. The heart of this book is a systematic account of the textual history of each of the 150 poems that can reasonably be assigned to Keats. In each history Stillinger dates the work, as closely as it can be dated; gives the details of first publication; specifies the existing variant readings and their sources; and suggests what might be the basis for a standard text. |