Shanita B. Akintonde
Born: N/A
Pen Name: None Connection to Illinois: Akintonde lives in Chicago, Illinois Biography: Shanita Akintonde is a full-time faculty member at Columbia College in the marketing communication department where she also serves as the department’s first-year student liaison and faculty Advisor to The Columbia College Marketing Association. Ms. Akintonde teaches across the curriculum including several courses that she developed including Advertising to Women and Hip Hop Cultural Trends in Advertising. She earned a BA degree in advertising from Columbia College Chicago, an MBA in marketing and organizational development from Illinois Institute of Technology, and is a current doctoral student in higher education at Loyola University Chicago. In addition, she has obtained certification in The Art of Leadership from The Lake Forest College of Management, Advanced Advertising Studies from University of Illinois - Champaign-Urbana and Media Planning from McDonald Corporation’s Hamburger University. In June 2006, Ms. Akintonde was named as a scholar with the Carnegie of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning where she presented her ongoing research work, Does Higher Education Truly C.A.R.E. about Diversity Initiatives? She has also published several articles on the topics of leadership, personal success and diversity and was a contributing author of the book, ''Unleash the Leader Within You: How to Achieve the Success that You Deserve''.
Shanita B. Akintonde on WorldCat :
Selected Titles
Unleash the leader within you! : ISBN: 097699058X OCLC: 63759693 [publisher not identified], [Place of publication not identified] : 2005. |