Robert Cromie
Born: February 28, 1909 in Detroit, Michigan
Died: May 22, 1999 in Grayslake, Illinois Pen Name: None Connection to Illinois: N/A Biography: N/A
- Cromie received an Emmy Award from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences and the Peabody Award for the ''Book Beat'' television program.
Selected Titles
A short history of Chicago / ISBN: 0938530283 OCLC: 10801000 Lexikos, San Francisco : 1984. |
Chicago, a celebration / ISBN: 0528834142 OCLC: 22956976 Rand McNally, Chicago : ©1990. |
Dillinger : ISBN: 0924772069 OCLC: 23647324 Chicago Historical Bookworks, Evanston, Ill. : 1990. |
Illinois trivia / ISBN: 1558531629 OCLC: 25410400 Rutledge Hill Press, Nashville, Tenn. : ©1992. Questions and answers focus on the history, culture, people, and places of the state of Illinois. |
The great Chicago fire ISBN: 1558532641 OCLC: 29258315 Rutledge Hill Press, Nashville, Tenn. : ©1994. Now in paperback, The Great Chicago Fire presents a complete narrative history of the 1871 fire that destroyed 73,000 miles of streets and 17,500 buildings, and which left 100,000 people homeless. More than 150 photographs and illustrations help tell the inspiring story of a heroic American city. |
The little people / ISBN: 0896960242 OCLC: 5749584 Everest House, New York : ©1979. "An illustrated look at some of the world's most engaging men and women"--Jacket subtitle. |