Karen Abbott
Born: January 1973 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Pen Name: None Connection to Illinois: Abbott has written a book about an Illinois subject of interest - the city of Chicago. Her book 'Sin in the Second City' is based in Chicago and her research for the book was conducted in Chicago. Biography: Karen Abbott worked as a journalist in Philadelphia for several years. She then moved to Atlanta to pursue writing book-length narrative nonfiction. She now lives in New York. Since Abbott is not from Illinois but has written about an Illinois subject of interest, you will only find information about her book written about Illinois. Additional information about Ms. Abbott and her other books can be found on her web page - http://karenabbott.net.
Website: http://karenabbott.net
Selected Titles
Sin in the Second City : ISBN: 0812975995 OCLC: 78773429 Random House, New York : 2007. A vivid snapshot of America's journey from Victorian-era propriety to 20th-century modernity. Step into the perfumed parlors of the Everleigh Club, the most famous brothel in American history--and the catalyst for a culture war that rocked the nation. Operating in Chicago at the dawn of the 20th century, the Club welcomed moguls and actors, senators and athletes, foreign dignitaries and literary icons into a stately double mansion, and the Everleigh sisters treated their girls far better than most madams. But not everyone appreciated their attempts to elevate the industry. Their most daunting foes were the Progressive Era reformers, who sent the country into a frenzy with lurid tales of "white slavery"--The allegedly rampant practice of kidnapping young girls and forcing them into brothels. This furor shaped America's sexual culture and had repercussions all the way to the White House, including the formation of the FBI.--From publisher description. |