Illinois Authors

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Mary Weaks-Baxter

Born: 1962
Pen Name: None

Connection to Illinois: Professor Weaks-Baxter lives in Rosco, Illinois.

Biography: Mary Weaks-Baxter is a Hazel Koch Professor of English at Rockford College and the president of Rockford College’s Phi Beta Kappa chapter.


Primary Literary Genre(s): History; Non-Fiction

Primary Audience(s): Adult readers

Mary Weaks-Baxter on WorldCat :

Selected Titles

Reclaiming the American farmer :
ISBN: 0807131296 OCLC: 61130739

Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge : ©2006.

"In this stimulating study, [author] views the Southern Renaissance, 1900-1960, from a fresh perspective. Many writers in the South began consciously to create new myths for the region at the start of the twentieth century, and these myths, [author] argues, reframed southern history and culture. Instead of being rooted in the plantation culture that had provided inspiration for nineteenth-century southern writers, the new literature was inspired by "southern folk," the common people who farmed the earth and whose values derived from Jeffersonian agrarianism and democracy."--Book jacket.


