Robert Burdette Sweet
Born: 1930 in Chicago, Illinois
Pen Name: None Connection to Illinois: Robert Sweet was born and lived in Illinois until 1970 when he moved to San Jose State University as an associate professor of of English. Biography: In addition to his writing of stories, poems and plays, Robert was a High school teacher of English in Winnetka, Ill., Taught at Wright Junior College, Chicago, Ill., and was a member of faculty, at Kendall College, Evanston, Ill.,
Selected Titles
Dame America / ISBN: 0879290641 OCLC: 2523522 Barlenmir House, New York : 1979. |
Dream That Flew ISBN: 1401022847 OCLC: 227969664 Xlibris Corporation 2001 |
Journal from the Apocaplagues ISBN: 1401063683 OCLC: 227971236 Xlibris Corporation 2002 |
The King's Assassin ISBN: 193420305X OCLC: 221205518 GLB Publishers 2007 |
White Sambo : ISBN: 1879194120 OCLC: 30818047 GLB Publishers, San Francisco : ©1993. |
Writing towards wisdom : ISBN: 0923490019 OCLC: 24614422 Helios House, [Carmichael, CA] : ©1990. |