David P. Helfand
Born: N/A
Pen Name: None Connection to Illinois: N/A Biography: Dr. David P. Helfand was the Coordinator of Career Counseling in the Northeastern Illinois University Counseling Office in Chicago, where for the past 25 years the major focus of his work was helping returning adult undergraduate students, graduate students, alumni and traditional age college students identify career options.Dr. Helfand, both a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and a National Certified Career Counselor, earned a Masters in Guidance and Counseling and a Doctorate in Counselor Education from Loyola University in Chicago.
Website: http://www.neiu.edu/~dphelfan/careers
David P. Helfand on WorldCat : http://www.worldcat.org/search?q=david+p.+helfand
Selected Titles
Career change : ISBN: 0844242691 OCLC: 39678492 VGM Career Horizons, Lincolnwood, Ill. : ©1999. Topics include adult development, layoffs, firings, voluntary separations, fears, self-esteem, women at work, minorities, over age 50, people with disabilities, ex-military personnel. |