Julia Cameron
Born: Libertyville, Illinois
Pen Name: None Connection to Illinois: N/A Biography: N/A
Julia Cameron on WorldCat : http://www.worldcat.org/search?q=julia+cameron
Selected Titles
God is dog spelled backwards / ISBN: 158542062X OCLC: 44128022 J.P. Tarcher/Putnam, New York : ©2000. |
Heart steps ISBN: 9781440627958 OCLC: 883305507 Jeremy P. Tarcher, New York : 2014. In this gift-size book, Cameron shares beautiful prayers of empowerment followed by potent declarations on the nature of creativity that extend beyond affirmations to facilitate a powerful awakening of the artistic child within and revitalize fading dreams, while lending encouragement and compelling reminders that we can all tap into the creative spirit. Heart Steps is certain to ignite the creative spark, drawing readers inward toward the fire of their own creativity. Whether read in one sitting or savored over time, Heart Steps is a book no creative being will want to be without. Index. |
Inspirations : ISBN: 1585421022 OCLC: 45835538 J.P. Tarcher/Putnam, New York : ©2001. |
Inspirations : ISBN: 9781440628160 OCLC: 454287185 J.P. Tarcher/Putnam, New York : ©2001. |
Money drunk/money sober : ISBN: 0345432657 OCLC: 41165055 Ballantine Wellspring, New York : [1999] |
Popcorn : ISBN: 1893329127 OCLC: 45046455 Really Great Books, Los Angeles, CA : ©2000. |
Prayers from a nonbeliever : ISBN: 1585422134 OCLC: 50561524 Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam, New York : ©2003. In a series of letters addressed to God, a young artist considers issues surrounding her faith, probes the challenge of maintaining her creativity, and wonders at the meaning of art and its relationship to a spiritual life. |
Sanity and grace : ISBN: 9781440679421 OCLC: 680285259 J.P. Tarcher/Penguin, New York : ©2003. The acclaimed singer and actress discusses the events leading up to and following her son's suicide, sharing personal and inspirational lessons about grief and loss. |
The sound of paper : ISBN: 1585423548 OCLC: 52858194 Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, New York : ©2004. A study of the creative process presents a series of exercises to develop a continuing process of renewal that allows artists of all kinds to find the ability to create within themselves. |
The vein of gold : ISBN: 9780285642041 OCLC: 844260013 Souvenir, London : 2013. In The Vein of Gold: A Journey to Your Creative Heart, Cameron again draws from her extensive artistic and teaching experience to lead readers toward ever-widening creative horizons. An extraordinary book of learning through doing, The Vein of Gold features inspiring teachings on the creative process and more than one hundred imaginative, involving, and energizing tasks. Each task involves the reader in inner play, leading to authentic growth, renewal, and healing. |
The well of creativity ISBN: 1561703753 OCLC: 36739541 Hay House, Carlsbad, Calif. : ©1997. |
Walking in this world : ISBN: 1585422614 OCLC: 49796072 The author's sequel to her successful guide to creativity shows readers how to tap their child-like inquisitiveness, wonder, and delight to re-connect with their own creative selves. |