Carol Rausch Albright
Born: March 20, 1936 in Evergreen Park, Illinois
Pen Name: None Connection to Illinois: Carol lives in Chicago. Biography: Carol Rausch Albright's work and writing examine the relationships among neuroscience, religious experience, theology, and complexity studies.
- -- Award for excellence in periodical publishing, Chicago Women in Publishing, 1989
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Selected Titles
Beginning with the end : ISBN: 0812693264 OCLC: 36259799 Open Court, Chicago, Ill. : ©1997. |
Growing in the image of God / ISBN: 2895072698 OCLC: 49727115 Novalis, Ottawa : c2002. |
NeuroTheology : ISBN: 0971644586 OCLC: 53479722 University Press, San Jose, Calif. : ©2003. |
The humanizing brain : ISBN: 0829812008 OCLC: 37211245 Pilgrim Press, Cleveland, Ohio : 1997. |
Where God lives in the human brain / ISBN: 1570717419 OCLC: 45446302 Sourcebooks, Naperville, Ill. : 2001. Maybe religion and science are not so far apart, and in the workings of our brains we can find the link to our divine creator. Where ggod lives in the human brain says that we can locate an understanding of God's qualities in the different parts of the brain, each of which leads us to different patterns of thoughts. These thought patterns give us the God who watches over our lives and our holy places, loves us unconditionally and has a master plan for each one of us. This is the God our brains are designed to understand, and understanding our brains can give us a deep connection to the divine. |