O'drean E. Banks
Born: 1951 in Joliet, IL
Pen Name: None Connection to Illinois: Banks was born and reared in Joliet, IL. She graduated from Fairmont Elementary and Lockport Township, High School in Lockport, IL. She began my professional career the day after my high school gradution at the Argonne National Laboratory in Argonne, Illinois and remained there until she relocated to Atlanta, GA in October 1978. She frequently visit Illinois to visit friends and family and to attend class reunions and other functions that I stay apprised of. Most of my books are based on my hometown and neighborhood and the City of Chicago. Biography: O'drean Banks is the author of realistic urban contemporary novels. Her books address all of the elements of today with special emphasis on love, abuse, infidelity, marriage/divorce, single parenting and low self esteem. Her characters are so true to form and experiences life's pitfalls, however in the most impossible situations that seem to be hopeless, they seem to rise from the destruction. Some of them emerge successful and fulfilled while others ponder in their bad decisions, there is something for everyone. These well-written novels are romantic yet send positive, powerful and empowering messages. A native of Lockport, IL a suburb south of Chicago where she lived and was educated, she now resides in Atlanta, Georgia. She fluently writes from an abundance of life's experiences. Recipient of 4 Editor's Choice Awards, she is a member of the Atlanta Association of Black Journalists (AABJ).This accomplished author describes writing as a means of release and relaxation. She loves to write and has various other books soon to be released. Her message to others is write to release and read to retain!There is a book inside of each of us. She also publishes under her own label O'RonJaKi.Some of he loyal readers comments are as follows: “She’s exalting,” say numerous ones who met her, heard her speak and/or read her book(s)! “Destined for success, a high energy person, dedicated to helping others and I appreciate the fact that her novels aren’t male bashers.” “Works hard, deserves all the success that comes her way, she earned it!”“You can feel the positive energy emanating when you’re in her presence.Her novel, ''Devastating Rumors'' was absolutely great! I laughed, cried and couldn’t put it down. Once I started reading, it was impossible to stop until I finished. Can’t wait to read Notorious Illusions.”“The characters and situations are so realistic and believable,!” “I heard her speak and noticed that the audience was captivated, the truth set us so free, some of us were crying. I was so moved and encouraged especially when she took time afterwards to talk to me personally; great novelist, great person, powerful, empowering, positive speaker.*Website: www.oronjaki.com *Email: [mailto:obeavercreek@yahoo.com obeavercreek@yahoo.com] or [mailto:oronjaki.books@yahoo.com oronjaki.books@yahoo.com]
- -- Editors Choice, ''Devastating Rumors - When Lies Destroy''
- -- Who's Who in the World, ''Devastating Rumors - When Lies Destroy''
Website: http://www.oronjaki.com
O'drean E. Banks on WorldCat : http://www.worldcat.org/search?q=o%27drean+e.+banks
Selected Titles
Devastating rumors / ISBN: 1894169506 OCLC: 46357464 O'RonJaKi Pub., Red Oak, GA : ©1998. |