Alan M. Cohn
Pen Name: None Connection to Illinois: He works at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale. Biography: Alan M. Cohn is a professor, librarian, and scholar. He has served on committees such as the D.H. Lawrence committee in 1978, and the Joyce-Lawrence Society of America, the Modern Language Association, and the Dickens Society, as well as other organizations. He has published numerous articles on Joyce and Lawrence, especially noted for his work on the Croessmann/Joyce collection.
Selected Titles
The cumulated Dickens checklist, 1970-1979 / ISBN: 0878752307 OCLC: 8479169 Whitston Pub. Co., Troy, N.Y. : 1982. |
Work in progress : ISBN: 0809310945 OCLC: 8826174 Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale : ©1983. |